Support for Oil and Gas Development in the ANWR Coastal Plain
Good morning Chair Pruhs and members of the AIDEA board. My name is Kari Nore, and I am the project manager for the Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc., commonly referred to as RDC. I’m calling today to express RDC’s support for oil and gas activities, including exploration and development in the 1002 area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. RDC has long supported efforts for an oil and gas lease program that will allow limited activity within the non-Wilderness portion of the coastal plain of ANWR. RDC continues to support measures to properly address the Alaska National Interest Conservation Lands Act and the intent to preserve areas in the coastal plain for oil and gas development. RDC believes expanded oil and gas development and production in Alaska will help strengthen American energy independence, advance domestic energy production, and support local job growth. Further, Alaska’s economy depends on responsible resource development, Alaska has rigorous permitting processes, and technology has led to major advances in reducing industry’s footprint. Alaska is a world leader in showing how economic development and environmental preservation co-exist. Oil development on a fraction of the coastal plain would create thousands of jobs nationwide, generate billions of dollars in government revenue for public services, and further improve energy security for decades into the future. Not only does Alaska need oil and gas development in the coastal plain, but America will benefit from it too. When resources are developed in Alaska, Alaskans have a direct say in how those resources are responsibly developed. I wanted to keep my testimony short today in light of the time, but please know that RDC's membership has long supported oil and gas exploration and development in the coastal plain of ANWR. |